Site icon Mujer Balanceada

The Face Behind Mujer Balanceada

foto de perfil myrna

Hi! My name is Myrna, welcome to Mujer Balanceada! I have created this space to share articles that will help us remember that the balance of our lives does not depend on our abilities or actions, but of God and His Word. We want to encourage you to go deeper on the Bible and let it guide how you live your life.

I want to help you to see how much we need God’s Word and to grow our faith. Doing this, trusting that while we know Him more and saturate our lives with His Word; we will start seeing the balance that we long and work for.

Since I was a little girl my passion has been writing, later I discovered how much I loved to teach and help others to grow their knowledge and talents. Also, I love planning and organizing, in my battle to achieve perfection (that doesn’t exist on this side of eternity) I have learned to trust God more and more.

A bit more about me

The Lord open my eyes to the truth of the gospel on 2000. Each season this past years have taught me to depend on God and relinquish control. I’m Jonathan’s wife (2007) who is a Pastor and Church Planter in Colorado Springs, Colorado since 2015.

I’m the mom of three (Peniel, Jonatán y Mirelix) since 2019 we are homeschoolers, so I’ll be also sharing about our adventure in this area.

May 2021

If like me, you desire to have a balanced life between work, the kids, your marriage, your dreams, your spiritual life, homemaking and all the other hats. Join me in Mujer Balanceada, I don’t have a perfect formula to fix everything, but I will share what has led me to trust every day more on God’s sovereignty.

10 facts about me

  1. I was born in Puerto Rico ??
  2. I learned French in college.
  3. Not only that, but I’m a librarian, and promoting literacy is a must for me.
  4. Enjoying a bowl of popcorn helps me relax.
  5. I have a Certificate from the Biblical Women’s Institute at the Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.
  6. I always have at least 5 books started.
  7. Watching videos online, I learned to bake and decorate cakes.
  8. I’m an introvert and I have discovered that it helps me to write better.
  9. I own less than 10 pairs of shoes.
  10. Furthermore, I watch very little TV but enjoy going to the theater.

If you have any questions or want to chat, find me on Social Media or email me.

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