Motherhood Homeschool

The Kids Are Asking Too Many Questions, What do I do?

women overwhelmed - tittle in overlay: the kids are asking too many questions

Surely, you have thought as me, these kids are asking too many questions. Whether it’s about the world, their schoolwork, or something they saw on TV, kids are constantly asking for more information.

While this can be a great way to help them learn, there are also times when we might feel like our kids are non-stop challenging us or catching us off base.

If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed by your kids’ questions, here are a few tips to help you manage the situation.

Asking Questions It’s Normal

It’s important to remember that questioning is a natural part of childhood. It’s how kids learn about their world and make sense of what they see and hear. Do not stop them from asking questions, instead encourage them to find answers.

One simple way to encourage them to ask questions is with our example. When your child asks you a question, take the time to provide an answer. This will show them that asking questions is a natural and important part of learning, and it can also help you keep up with their busy minds!

Set real expectations

Another strategy to cope with the many questions is to let them know that you don’t have all the answers to their questions. This will turn into a perfect opportunity to teach them to look things up, whether it be on the internet (if they are old enough), in a book or even asking the right person.

While I love to provide answers to my kids questions, it is important to teach them to figure things on their own. They will be learning problem-solving and research skills, which are extremely needed for the rest of their life. Let them have the opportunity to learn new things by themselves, be amazed and share their discoveries with you.

These are my favorite books to have on hand for the kids to find answers by themselves and even encourage them to think outside the box.

Covers of books from the series questions and answers and 100 things to know about
Click to see all the titles, leave a comment or send me a message if you need help finding the right book for your family.

Listen to them

When the kids are asking too many questions, the best thing you can do is simply to listen to them. Don’t feel pressured to offer an answer immediately or dismiss them. Take the time to focus on what they’re saying and reflect their feelings back.

Listening will help us identify if the questions are coming from simple curiosity, or if there’s something else triggering the question. Taking our time before answering will show them that we are interested in what is on their mind. This simple act can help to calm any anxiety they might be experimenting, and it will help you start a conversation more deep than just an answer.

Ask questions

Whenever possible, answer your child’s questions with a question of your own. Doing this will help them to expand their reasoning while using the knowledge they have to find the answers to their questions. We want to foster the love of learning and researching, which might sound as big words for the younger ones, but it simply means to enjoy the process of finding answers to questions.

As a librarian, I’ve seen so many teenagers and adults that dislike the research process, when it should be an enriching experience. Let’s change that in the life of our kids.

Be Patient and teach patience

Some answers won’t be available fast, or it can’t be found easily online. In those times, it’s important to reassure your child that you’ll help them find an answer. Let’s not focus on the instant answers, they will struggle when their questions get more difficult or when they don’t have help from others to find the answers.

Take time to find correct answers, let them make guesses or hypothesis and work with them to figure them out. Let them explore their questions, even when it may take some extra time, the learning experience will be more enriched.


The unsaid questions

The said questions can drive us crazy, but the unsaid questions might bring more anxiety to us. For more serious questions that may be difficult for your child to ask, you can ask them to try writing the question down, so you can read it and answer later.

This can help keep them focused and calmed, and it also lets you get an idea of the kinds of things they are struggling with or interested in. Then work together to find the answers to these questions, or if needed bring them up to another person.

Bring all the questions

Parents should encourage their children to be curious and ask questions. However, when the questions become too much, it is important to find ways to manage them. One way to do this is to reassure your child that you will help them find an answer. Let them explore their questions and work on finding the answer.

Once they learn to find answers by themselves, the questions that come to you will be less; while they lean bring all the questions.

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